Supportive Housing
OASAS NYNY III Category F Scatter-Site Housing Program
This dedicated program has similar qualifications as OASAS MRT, however, services are strictly for clients with a history of substance misuse disorder who have completed substance use treatment.

Work with one of our Case Managers
Linkage to care
Medication Management
Access to BAC's services and programs
Eligibility information
Those who qualify for this program must be able to show that they are 90 days sober and are currently dealing with unstable housing. All clients MUST complete the 2010e application and be approved for NY/NYIII Scatter Site Population F (adults at risk of homelessness and in recovery from substance misuse). Clients who are accepted into this program will only be provided supportive housing in the Brooklyn borough.
(1) Single Adult
History of substance misuse disorder
Must be 90 days sober
Currently homeless and seeking housing in Brooklyn